About Product Key Windows

Here's How:

1. Click on Start and then Run.
2. In the text box in the Run window, type regedit and click OK. This will open the Registry Editor program.
3. Locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder under My Computer and click on the (+) sign next the folder name to expand the folder.
4. Continue to expand folders until you reach the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\Current Version\WPAEvents registry key.
5. Click on the WPAEvents folder.
6. In the results that appear in the window on the right, locate OOBETimer.
7. Right-click on the OOBETimer entry and choose Modify from the resulting menu.
8. Change at least one digit in the Value data text box and click OK. This will deactivate Windows XP.
Feel free to close Registry Editor at this point.
9. Click on Start and then Run.
10. In the text box in the Run window, type the following command and click OK.

%systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a
11. When the Let's activate Windows window appears, choose Yes, I want to telephone a customer service representative to activate Windows and then click Next.
12. Click the Change Product Key button at the bottom of the window.
Don't worry about filling anything out on this screen.
13. Type your new, valid Windows XP product key in the New key: text boxes and then click the Update button.
14. You should now reactivate Windows XP by following the instructions on the Activate Windows by phone window which you should now be seeing or via the Internet by clicking the Back button and following the instructions on that screen.
If you'd rather postpone activating Windows XP until a later date, you can click the Remind me later button.

After activating Windows XP, you can verify that activation was successful by repeating steps 9 and 10 above.

The Windows Product Activation window that appears should say "Windows is already activated. Click OK to exit."


1. Do all these registry changes and commands make you a bit uneasy? Don't worry, it's really not that difficult if you follow each step exactly.
If you'd like some help, you should look at my Step by Step Guide to Changing the Windows XP Product Key. It's a complete walk-through of the process, with each step accompanied by a screen shot of exactly what you'll see plus a thorough description of what to do.

2. Still not comfortable making registry changes? Luckily there is another option if you need to change your Windows XP product key code. Winkeyfinder, a popular free product key finder program, also has the ability to easily change the Windows XP product key.

Winkeyfinder is an excellent alternative solution to changing the Windows XP product key code manually.

source: pcsupport.about.com

Flock Web Browser

Apakah itu FLOCK?

Flock atau dalam bahasa Indonesia memiliki arti kawanan adalah sebuah web browser yang diciptakan oleh developer sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna. Flock berfokus pada menjaga pengguna untuk lebih dekat dengan komunitas, tempat dan hal-hal yang menyenangkan.

Atas dasar freedownload dan fitur yang sesuai dengan pengguna, flock sepertinya akan berkembang pesat dan cepat tersebar di seluruh dunia.

Fitur Flock
People Bar
Media Bar
Feeds Bar
Webmail login
Blog Editor
Photo Uploader

untuk mendapatkan flock klik disini

Aditya Wahyu Nugroho


Apa itu Port?

Port adalah suatu celah atau pintu atau lubang pada system komputer sebagai jalur transfer data.

Pada system komputer sebenarnya ada dua jenis Port yaitu :

  1. Port fisik,adalah soket atau slot atau colokan yang ada di belakang CPU sebagai penghubung peralatan input-output komputer, misalnya Mouse,keyboard,printer…dll.
  2. Port Logika (non fisik),adalah port yang di gunakan oleh Software sebagai jalur untuk melakukan koneksi dengan komputer lain, tentunya termasuk koneksi internet.

Port Logika inilah yang akan kita bahas di sini, yaitu port yang berhubungan secara langsung dengan kegiatan kita ber-internet.


1. Port 80, Web Server
Port ini biasanya digunakan untuk web server, jadi ketika user mengetikan alamat IP atau hostname di web broeser maka web browser akan melihat IP tsb pada port 80,

2. Port 81, Web Server Alternatif
ketika port 80 diblok maka port 81 akan digunakan sebagai port altenatif hosting website

3. Port 21, FTP Server
Ketika seseorang mengakses FTP server, maka ftp client secara default akan melakukan koneksi melalui port 21 dengan ftp server

4. Port 22, SSH Secure Shell
Port ini digunakan untuk port SSH

5. Port 23, Telnet
Jika anda menjalankan server telnet maka port ini digunakan client telnet untuk hubungan dengan server telnet

6. Port 25, SMTP(Simple Mail Transport Protokol)
Ketika seseorang mengirim email ke server SMTP anda, maka port yg digunakan adalah port 25

7. Port 2525 SMTP Alternate Server
Port 2525 adalah port alternatifi aktif dari TZO untuk menservice forwarding email. Port ini bukan standard port, namun dapat diguunakan apabila port smtp terkena blok.

8. Port 110, POP Server
Jika anda menggunakan Mail server, user jika log ke dalam mesin tersebut via POP3 (Post Office Protokol) atau IMAP4 (Internet Message Access Protocol) untuk menerima emailnya, POP3 merupakan protokol untuk mengakses mail box

9. Port 119, News (NNTP) Server

10.Port 3389, Remote Desktop
Port ini adalah untuk remote desktop di WinXP

11. Port 389, LDAP Server
LDAP or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is becoming popular for Directory access, or Name, Telephone, Address directories. For Example LDAP://LDAP.Bigfoot.Com is a LDAP directory server.

12. Port 143, IMAP4 Server
IMAP4 or Internet Message Access Protocol is becoming more popular and is used to retrieve Internet Mail from a remote server. It is more disk intensive, since all messages are stored on the server, but it allows for easy online, offline and disconnected use.

13. Port 443, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Server
When you run a secure server, SSL Clients wanting to connect to your Secure server will connect on port

14. 443. This port needs to be open to run your own Secure Transaction server.
Port 445, SMB over IP, File Sharing
Kelemahan windows yg membuka port ini. biasanya port ini digunakan sebagai port file sharing termasuk printer sharing, port inin mudah dimasukin virus atau worm dan sebangsanya

15. Ports 1503 and 1720 Microsoft NetMeeting and VOIP
MS NetMeeting and other VOIP allows you to host an Internet call or VideoConference with other 16. NetMeeting or VOIP users.

16. Port 5631, PCAnywhere
When a PCAnywhere server is set up to receive remote requests, it listens on TCP port 5631. This allow you to run a PCAnywhere host and use the Internet to connect back and remotely control your PC.

17. Port 5900, Virtual Network Computing (VNC)
When you run an VNC server to remotely control your PC, it uses port 5900. VNC is useful if you wish to remotely control your server.

18. Port 111, Portmap

19. Port 3306, Mysql

Sumber: google.com

Upload Masal Photo di Facebook

Anda seorang yang narsis? Pastinya Anda akan terbantu dengan artikel saya ini. ^^ Karena, setelah Anda membaca artikel ini, Anda dapat upload photo puluhan, bahkan ratusan photo sekaligus.

Ingin tau tips n triksnya?
Monggo di waos..

Adalah sebuah add-on mozilla firefox bernama Firefox Universal Uploader (FireUploader) yang memungkinkan kita untuk upload photo sebanyak mungkin.
Untuk memasang FireUploader, ikuti langkah-langkah sebagai berikut:
- Search add-on
Untuk mencari add-on fire fox, klik pada tab Tools pada menubar yang berada di atas. Kemudian pilih add-on. Pilih menu get Add-On lalu search dan masukkan kata kunci Firefox Universal Uploader!
Install FireUploader

Setelah FireUploader terpasang dalam web browser, Anda tinggal membuka FireUploader itu pada menu tools atau icon yang terletak pada status bar bagian kanan.

Gambar di atas menunjukkan gambar yang ter-upload ke server facebook.

Aditya Wahyu Nugroho

Mendaftarkan Blog ke Search Engine

Hal yang terlewatkan oleh pengguna baru blog atau seorang blogger muda adalah mendaftarkan blog miliknya ke search engine. Mungkin ada yang berpendapat bahwa, mendaftarkan situs ke search engine tidaklah penting karena kepopuleran blog itu akan meningkat sendiri seiring berkembangnya aktivitas dalam blog tersebut. Tetapi, butuh berapa lama sebuah alamat blog kita menjadi populer?
Maka dari itu sangatlah perlu untuk mendaftarkan blog kita ke search engine yang ada (seperti google, yahoo) agar blog kita menjadi populer dan semakin berkembang.

Bagaimana caranya?
Coba daftarkan blog kamu beberapa search engine di bawah ini:
  • Google http://www.google.com/addurl
  • Yahoo http://search.yahoo.com/info/submit.html
  • MSN http://beta.search.msn.com/docs/submit.aspx
  • Dmoz http://www.dmoz.org/add.htm
Apabila blog anda merupakan ladang bisnis, pastikan blog kamu sudah masuk dalam meta tag dari search engine berikut:
  • http://www.submitexpress.com/submit.html
  • http://www.addme.com
  • http://www.addpro.com
  • http://www.freewebsubmission.com

Selain itu anda bisa mendaftarkan website anda ke web direktori Indonesia : http://www.indocenter.com/reg.php

Aditya Wahyu Nugroho
Asisten Unit Pengembangan Komputer
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Diponegoro

Fixmbr for vista

Memperbaiki windows vista memang sedikit berbeda dengan windows xp dan versi dibawahnya. Hal tersebut salah satunya terbukti ketika kita akan merepair boot-record dari system reparasi.

Untuk menormalkan kembali mbr (master boot record), ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:
$ c:\
$ Bootrec.exe /FixMbr
$ Bootrec.exe /FixBoot
$ Bootrec.exe /ScanOs
$ Bootrec.exe /RebuildBcd

untuk setting lebih lanjut:
$ bcdedit.exe /export "C:\Boot\BCDBackup"
$ bcdedit.exe /import "C:\Boot\BCDBackup" -> restores the store

Aditya Wahyu Nugroho
Asisten Unit Pengembangan Komputer Fakultas Ekonomi
Universitas Diponegoro

Command Line Reference

Here's the ultimate Windows XP/2000 command list that will make any Linux user feel at home at the command prompt. A lot of these commands are intended for administrating a network, but they are great for savvy home users as well. We even listed which OS you need for these commands.

  • at (windows XP/2000)
    Scheduling utility.
  • bootcfg (XP only)
    This utility allows you to set up your boot options, such as your default OS and other loading options.
  • cacls (XP, 2000, & NT4.0)
    Changes the ACLs (security Settings) of files and folders. Very similar to chmod in Linux.
  • comp (XP & 2000)
    This utility is very similar to diff in Linux. Use the /? switch to get examples of command usage.
  • contig (works with NT4.0 and newer)
    A great defrag utility for NTFS partitions.
  • control (XP only) - unpublished!
    Allows you to launch control panel applets from the command line.
  • control userpasswords2, for example will launch a helpful local user admin utility.
  • defrag (XP only - NT4.0 and Win2k use contig)
    Yes, XP comes with a command line disk defrag utility. If you are running Win2k or NT4.0 there is still hope. Contig is a free defrag program that I describe on the defrag page.
  • diskpart (XP only)
    Use this command to manage your disk partitions. This is the text version for the GUI Disk Manager.
  • driverquery (XP only)
    Produces a list of drivers, their properties, and their versions. Great for computer documentation.
  • eudcedit (XP only) -
  • unpublished!
    Private Character editor. Yes with this program built into Windows XP you can create your own font!
  • findstr
    Find String - similar to Linux's Grep.
  • fsutil (XP only) - unpublished!
    This is a utility with a lot of capability. Come back soon for great examples.
  • getmac (XP & 2000)
    This command gets the Media Access Control (MAC) address of your network cards.
  • gpresult (XP & 2000)
    This generates a summary of the user settings and computer group policy settings.
  • gpupdate (XP only)
    Use this utility to manually apply computer and user policy from your windows 2000 (or newer) domain.
  • ipconfig (XP, 2000 & NT4.0)
    This handy tool displays IP settings of the current computer and much more.
  • MMC (XP, 2000 & NT4.0) - Microsoft Management Console
    This is the master tool for Windows, it is the main interface in which all other tools use starting primarily in Windows 2000 and newer systems.
  • more
    Utility used to display text output one screen at a time. Ex. more c:\windows\win.ini
  • msconfig (XP only)
    The ultimate tool to change the services and utilities that start when your Windows machine boots up. You can also copy the executable from XP and use it in Win2k.
  • msinfo32 (XP &smp; 2000)
    An awesome diagnostic tool. With it you can get a list of running processes, including the residing path of the executable (great for manually removing malware) and get detailed information about hardware and system diagnostics.
  • narrator (XP only)
    Turns on the system narrator (can also be found in accessibility options in control panel). Will will allow your computer to dictate text to you.
  • netsh (XP & 2000)
    A network configuration tool console. At the 'netsh>' prompt, use the '?' to list the available commands and type "exit" to get back to a command prompt.
  • netstat (XP)
    A local network port tool - try netstat -ano.
  • nslookup (all)
    A DNS name resolution tool.
  • openfiles (XP Only)
    Allows an administrator to display or disconnect open files in XP professional. Type "openfiles /?" for a list of possible parameters.
  • Pathping (XP & 2000)
    A cross between the ping and traceroute utilities. Who needs Neotrace when you can use this? Type "pathping " and watch it go.
  • recover (XP & 2000)
    This command can recover readable information from a damaged disk and is very easy to use.
  • reg (XP & 2000)
    A console registry tool, great for scripting Registry edits.
  • sc (XP & 2000)
    A command line utility called the Service Controller. A power tool to make service changes via a logon/logoff or startup/shutdown script.
  • schtasks (XP only)
    A newer version of the AT command. This allows an administrator to schedule and manage scheduled tasks on a local and remote machines.
  • secedit (XP & 2000)
    Use this utility to manually apply computer and user policy from your windows 2000 (or newer) domain. Example to update the machine policy: secedit /refreshpolicy machine_policy /enforce
    To view help on this, just type secedit.
    NOTE: In Windows XP SP1 and news, this command is superceded by: gpupdate /force
  • sfc (XP & 2000)
    The system file checker scans important system files and replaces the ones you (or your applications) hacked beyond repair with the real, official Microsoft versions.
  • shutdown (XP & 2000)
    With this tool, You can shut down or restart your own computer, or an administrator can shut down or restart a remote computer.
  • sigverif (XP only)
    Microsoft has created driver signatures. A signed driver is Microsoft tested and approved. With the sigverif tool you can have all driver files analyzed to verify that they are digitally signed. Just type 'sigverif' at the command prompt.
  • systeminfo (XP only)
    Basic system configuration information, such as the system type, the processor type, time zone, virtual memory settings, system uptime, and much more. This program is great for creating an inventory of computers on your network.
  • sysedit (XP/2000)
    System Configuration File Editor. An old tool that was very handy for the Windows 9X days. msconfig is what you want to use now.
  • tasklist (XP pro only)
    Tasklist is the command console equivalent to the task manager in windows. It is a must have when fighting scumware and viruses. Try the command:
    tasklist /svc
    to view the memory resources your services take up.
  • taskkill (XP only)
    Taskkill contains the rest of the task manager functionality. It allows you to kill those unneeded or locked up applications.
  • tree (XP & 2000)
    An amazing experience everyone should try! This command will provide a 'family tree' style display of the drive/folder you specify.
  • WMIC (XP & 2000)
    Windows Management Instrumentation Command tool. This allows you to pull an amazing amount of low-level system information from a command line scripting interface.

Of course this list in note exhaustive. We wanted to focus on tools that are particularly helpful that everyone would use. For the official list, please visit:
Microsoft Windows XP Pro Command Reference

source: http://microsoft.com


  • Processor Intel Core 2 Duo T7100 (1.8 GHz, FSB 800, Cache 2 MB) Chipset
    Intel 965GM
  • RAM 1 GB DDR2 SDRAM PC-5300 Max. RAM supported 2 GB (2 DIMMs)
  • Video Type: Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 251 MB (shared)
  • Display Size 14.1" WXGA TFT
    Display Max. Resolution 1280 x 800, using Clear Bright LCD technology
  • Audio Integrated, Speakers Integrated
    Hard Drive Type: 80 GB Serial ATA 5400 RPM
  • Optical Drive Type: DVD±RW
  • Modem: Integrated, 10 / 100 Mbps speed
  • Wireless Network Type: Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG
  • Wireless Network Protocol, IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g
  • Wireless Bluetooth: Integrated
  • Input Device TypeQWERTY Keyboard 82 keys and Touch Pad Slot Provided
    ExpressCard/ 34
    Card Reader Provided: SD, MMC, Memory Stick / Stick PRO
    Interface Provided: 3x USB 2.0, Firewire, VGA, LAN, Audio
  • Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic
    Battery Type: Rechargeable Lithium-ion Battery
  • Dimension
    335 x 38 x 249 mm
  • Weight: 2.5 kg
  • Integrated 1.3 Mega Pixels Web Camera

Si Pengganggu Kinerja Komputer

Apa sih pengganggu komputer? Pertanyaan itu kalo diajukan sebenarnya kurang spesifik.. Seharusnya yang harus ditanyakan yaitu, "Apa saja pengganggu Kinerja Komputer itu?"

Ada banyak hal yang mengganggu komputer, tapi "si pengganggu" cuma ada beberapa.. Antara lain:

Virus: bisa pasif, bisa akif, biasanya memanfaatkan kelengahan user. 

Trojan: kayak legenda kuda troya, berarti untuk membobol security sistem operasi. 

Spyware: namanya juga spy, untuk memata-mata aktivitas yang dilakukan dalam sistem operasi tersebut, mungkin termasuk password tracing ya? 

: ini sih freestyle-virus, auto run, auto replication.

elshadino act

Cek Html Colour Code

Situs layanan cek kode warna html:

1. http://kuler.adobe.com/
2. http://slayeroffice.com/tools/color_palette/
3. http://www.colorhunter.com/
4. http://www.degraeve.com/color-palette/
5. http://colorblender.com/
6. http://www.colormatch.dk/
7. http://www.colormix.com/
8. http://wellstyled.com/tools/colorscheme2/index-en.html
9. http://www.gpeters.com/color/color-schemes.php
10. http://www.paletteman.com/

Mudah-mudahan membantu..


Silakan klik disini untuk melihat site's addidnugroho.

Use Secure Sheell


Worm Kido alias Downadup

WORM Downadup, mem-blok berbagai situs Antivirus
Kategori Antivirus, Virus, security | 5,571 views | 59 Comments
Worm Downadup

Sebenarnya sejak beberapa hari ini sempat membaca/mendapat informasi mengenai worm Downadup di beberapa blog tentang security/virus/antivirus, tetapi saya biarkan saja karena dikira hanya berita worm biasa. Tetapi ternyata banyaknya yang memberitakan tentang worm ini karena memang worm ini cukup “dahsyat” dan canggih.

Berdasarkan perkiraan dari F-Secure, salah satu variant baru worm ini sudah menginfeksi hampir 9 juta komputer hanya dalam waktu 4 hari. Jumlah yang tidak sedikit untuk worm yang belum lama muncul.

Nama asli Worm ini adalah Worm:W32/Downadup.gen dan mempunyai berbagai nama alias seperti : W32/Conficker.worm.gen (Symantec), Mal/Conficker (Sophos) , Worm: Win32/Conficker (Microsoft). Selain itu juga dikenal dengan nama Conflicker dan Kido (contoh nama : Worm: W32/Downadup.gen!A, Net-Worm.Win32.Kido.ih ). Worm ini termasuk kategori Malware yang berjalan di windows 32 -bit, makanya disebut W32.
Penyebaran worm

Penyebaran worm ini melalui berbagai cara, seperti Network/jaringan yang di share atau password yang lemah, juga bisa menyebar dengan membuat file pemicu autorun.inf yang di copykan ke USB Flashdisk (drive) atau media removable lainnya. Maka sebaiknya fitur autorun windows ini dimatikan selain untuk mencegah penularan berbagai virus lainnya.


Worm ini memanfaatkan celah keamanan Windows untuk menginfeksi korbannya, seperti artikel sebelumnya Ada apa dengan Security Update Windows MS08-067. Worm akan membuat folder dengan nama acak di dalam directory RECYCLER ( yang digunakan Recycle Bin untuk menyimpan file yang telah dihapus ) juga menduplikasi diri di berbagai tempat lainnya.
Efek Worm Downadup

Dan ini mungkin yang membuat saya menulis artikel ini, beberapa pengunjung ebsoft menuliskan komentar bahwa mereka tidak bisa membuka situs-situs antivirus, dan bisa jadi penyebabnya adalah worm ini.

Worm ini mampu mengubah/menambah fungsi internal windows (TCP) untuk memblok akses situs-situs keamanan (security/antivirus), dengan memfilter alamat yang mempunyai karakter/text tertentu. Dan untuk menghilangkan efek tersebut tidak mudah, karena boleh dibilang sudah tingkat low level programming.

Worm ini didesign untuk melindungi diri dari deteksi antivirus dengan menggunakan teknik tertentu yang jarang digunakan, melindungi diri dari upaya untuk di hapus, mematikan windows update, restore point sebelum infeksi, mematikan trafik jaringan tertentu, mengoptimalkan fitur windows Vista untuk memudahkan penyebaran, mampu menginjeksi explorer.exe, svchost.exe dan services.exe dan lainnya.

Situs-situs yang di blok cukup banyak, meliputi web yang menggunakan text seperti berikut ( bisa di blok atau selalu memunculkan pesan Time Out ketika membuka situsnya) :

* virus
* spyware
* malware
* rootkit
* defender
* microsoft
* symantec
* norton
* mcafee
* trendmicro
* sophos
* panda
* etrust
* f-secure
* kaspersky
* f-prot
* nod32
* eset
* grisoft
* avast
* avira
* comodo
* clamav
* norman
* pctools
* rising
* sunbelt
* threatexpert
* wilderssecurity
* windowsupdate
* avp
* avg

Selain itu juga situs-situs security lainnya.

Bagi yang belum terkena, maka untuk menghindari bisa download update Untuk Windows XP Microsoft Security Update MS08-067 (Patch for fixing the security hole). Sedangkan jika komputer sudah terinfeksi, maka bisa download remover tool, baik dari F-Secure atau Bitdefender dibawah ini.
Download Downadup Removal Tools

* http://www.bitdefender.com/site/Downloads/downloadFile/1584/FreeRemovalTool
* ftp://ftp.f-secure.com/anti-virus/tools/beta/f-downadup.zip
* Versi terbaru dari f-secure di ftp://ftp.f-secure.com/anti-virus/tools/beta/
* Removal Tools dari Microsoft, Malicious Software Removal Tool

Referensi lebih lanjut

* http://www.f-secure.com/v-descs/worm_w32_downadup_gen.shtml
* http://www.f-secure.com/v-descs/worm_w32_downadup_al.shtml
* http://www.megaleecher.net/Fix_Worm_W32.Downadup_Win32.Conficker
* http://www.bitdefender.com/VIRUS-1000462-en–Win32.Worm.Downadup.Gen.html

Kategori Antivirus, Virus, security | 5,571 views | 59 Comments | 21 January 2009 Oleh Ebta Setiawan
Ingin selalu mendapatkan informasi artikel terbaru lewat email ? Daftarkan email di RSS feed

Baca juga artikel terkait berikut :

* Ada apa dengan Security Update Windows MS08-067
* Antivirus Terbaik Versi Av-Comparatives
* Menganalisa dan mendeteksi virus dengan Virus Total
* Test Antivirus Terbaik 2008 Tahap Kedua
* Rescue CD gratis dari Avira, BitDefender, Kaspersky dan F-Secure
* File [exe] terinfeksi virus, bisakah diselamatkan ?
* Pendeteksi Virus terbaik oleh Av-Comparatives
* Antivirus Terbaik Tahun 2008
* Antivirus gratis khusus Flashdisk dan Media berbasis USB

source: http://ebsoft.web.id/2009/01/21/worm-downadup-mem-blok-berbagai-situs-antivirus/


Major hexadecimal color codes
ColorColor CodeColorColor Code
Red #FF0000White#FFFFFF
Turquoise#00FFFFLight Grey#C0C0C0
Light Blue#0000FFDark Grey#808080
Dark Blue #0000A0Black#000000
Light Purple #FF0080Orange#FF8040
Dark Purple #800080Brown#804000
Pastel Green#00FF00Forest Green#808000
Pink#FF00FFGrass Green#408080

Color code chart

Slate Gray4#616D7ESlate Gray4
Slate Gray#657383Slate Gray
Light Steel Blue4#646D7ELight Steel Blue4
Light Slate Gray#6D7B8DLight Slate Gray
Cadet Blue4#4C787ECadet Blue4
Dark Slate Gray4#4C7D7EDark Slate Gray4
Medium Slate Blue#5E5A80Medium Slate Blue
Medium Purple4#4E387EMedium Purple4
Midnight Blue#151B54Midnight Blue
Dark Slate Blue#2B3856Dark Slate Blue
Dark Slate Gray#25383CDark Slate Gray
Dim Gray#463E41Dim Gray
Cornflower Blue#151B8DCornflower Blue
Royal Blue4#15317ERoyal Blue4
Slate Blue4#342D7ESlate Blue4
Royal Blue#2B60DERoyal Blue
Royal Blue1#306EFFRoyal Blue1
Royal Blue2#2B65ECRoyal Blue2
Royal Blue3#2554C7Royal Blue3
Deep Sky Blue#3BB9FFDeep Sky Blue
Deep Sky Blue2#38ACECDeep Sky Blue2
Slate Blue#3574EC7Slate Blue
Deep Sky Blue3#3090C7Deep Sky Blue3
Deep Sky Blue4#25587EDeep Sky Blue4
Dodger Blue#1589FFDodger Blue
Dodger Blue2#157DECDodger Blue2
Dodger Blue3#1569C7Dodger Blue3
Dodger Blue4#153E7EDodger Blue4
Steel Blue4#2B547ESteel Blue4
Steel Blue#4863A0Steel Blue
Slate Blue2#6960ECSlate Blue2
Medium Purple3#7A5DC7Medium Purple3
Medium Purple#8467D7Medium Purple
Medium Purple2#9172ECMedium Purple2
Medium Purple1#9E7BFFMedium Purple1
Light Steel Blue#728FCELight Steel Blue
Steel Blue3#488AC7Steel Blue3
Steel Blue2#56A5ECSteel Blue2
Steel Blue1#5CB3FFSteel Blue1
Sky Blue3#659EC7Sky Blue3
Sky Blue4#41627ESky Blue4
Slate Blue#737CA1Slate Blue
Slate Blue#737CA1Slate Blue
Slate Gray3#98AFC7Slate Gray3
Violet Red#F6358AViolet Red
Violet Red1#F6358AViolet Red1
Violet Red2#E4317FViolet Red2
Deep Pink#F52887Deep Pink
Deep Pink2#E4287CDeep Pink2
Deep Pink3#C12267Deep Pink3
Deep Pink4#7D053FDeep Pink4
Medium Violet Red#CA226BMedium Violet Red
Violet Red3#C12869Violet Red3
Violet Red4#7D0541Violet Red4
Medium Orchid#B048B5Medium Orchid
Medium Orchid1#D462FFMedium Orchid1
Medium Orchid2#C45AECMedium Orchid2
Medium Orchid3#A74AC7Medium Orchid3
Medium Orchid4#6A287EMedium Orchid4
Dark Orchid4#571B7eDark Orchid4
Dark Orchid#7D1B7EDark Orchid
Dark Violet#842DCEDark Violet
Dark Orchid3#8B31C7Dark Orchid3
Dark Orchid2#A23BECDark Orchid2
Dark Orchid1#B041FFDark Orchid1
Pale Violet Red#D16587Pale Violet Red
Pale Violet Red1#F778A1Pale Violet Red1
Pale Violet Red2#E56E94Pale Violet Red2
Pale Violet Red3#C25A7CPale Violet Red3
Pale Violet Red4#7E354DPale Violet Red4
Lavendar Blush2#EBDDE2Lavender Blush2
Lavendar Blush3#C8BBBELavender Blush3
Lavendar Blush#FDEEF4Lavender Blush
Light Steel Blue1#C6DEFFLight Steel Blue1
Light Blue#ADDFFFLight Blue
Light Blue1#BDEDFFLight Blue1
Light Cyan#E0FFFFLight Cyan
Slate Gray1#C2DFFFSlate Gray1
Slate Gray2#B4CFECSlate Gray2
Light Steel Blue2#B7CEECLight Steel Blue2
Medium Turquoise#48CCCDMedium Turquoise
Dark Slate Gray1#9AFEFFDark Slate Gray1
Dark Slate Gray2#8EEBECDark slate Gray2
Dark Slate Gray3#78c7c7Dark Slate Gray3
Cadet Blue3#77BFC7Cadet Blue3
Pale Turquoise3#92C7C7Pale Turquoise3
Light Blue2#AFDCECLight Blue2
Dark Turquoise#3B9C9CDark Turquoise
Light Sea Green#3EA99FLight Sea Green
Light Sky Blue#82CAFALight Sky Blue
Light Sky Blue2#A0CFECLight Sky Blue2
Light Sky Blue3#87AFC7Light Sky Blue3
Sky Blue#82CAFFSky Blue
Sky Blue2#79BAECSky Blue2
Light Sky Blue4#566D7ELight Sky Blue4
Sky Blue#6698FFSky Blue
Light Slate Blue#736AFFLight Slate Blue
Light Cyan2#CFECECLight Cyan2
Light Cyan3#AFC7C7Light Cyan3
Light Cyan4#717D7DLight Cyan4
Light Blue3#95B9C7Light Blue3
Light Blue4#5E767ELight Blue4
Pale Turquoise4#5E7D7EPale Turquoise4
Dark Sea Green4#617C58Dark Sea Green4
Medium Aquamarine#348781Medium Aquamarine
Medium Sea Green#306754Medium Sea Green
Sea Green#4E8975Sea Green
Dark Green#254117Dark Green
Sea Green4#387C44Sea Green4
Forest Green#4E9258Forest Green
Medium Forest Green#347235Medium Forest Green
Spring Green4#347C2CSpring Green4
Dark Olive Green4#667C26Dark Olive Green4
Medium Spring Green#348017Medium Spring Green
Spring Green#4AA02CSpring Green
Lime Green#41A317Lime Green
Spring Green#4AA02CSpring Green
Dark Sea Green#8BB381Dark Sea Green
Dark Sea Green3#99C68EDark Sea Green3
Yellow Green#52D017Yellow Green
Spring Green3#4CC552Spring Green3
Sea Green3#54C571Sea Green3
Spring Green2#57E964Spring Green2
Spring Green1#5EFB6ESpring Green1
Sea Green2#64E986Sea Green2
Sea Green1#6AFB92Sea Green1
Dark Sea Green2#B5EAAADark Sea Green2
Dark Sea Green1#C3FDB8Dark Sea Green1
Lawn Green#87F717Lawn Green
Green Yellow#B1FB17Green Yellow
Dark Olive Green1#CCFB5DDark Olive Green1
Dark Olive Green2#BCE954Dark Olive Green2
Dark Olive Green3#A0C544Dark Olive Green3
Dark Goldenrod#AF7817Dark Goldenrod
Dark Goldenrod1#FBB117Dark Goldenrod1
Dark Goldenrod2#E8A317Dark Goldenrod2
Dark Goldenrod3#C58917Dark Goldenrod3
Dark Orange#F88017Dark Orange
Dark Orange1#F87217Dark Orange1
Dark Orange2#E56717Dark Orange2
Dark Orange3#C35617Dark Orange3
Indian Red4#7E2217Indian Red4
Dark Orange3#7E3117Dark Orange3
Dark Goldenrod4#7F5217Dark Goldenrod4
Light Salmon4#7F462CLight Salmon4
Dark Salmon#E18B6BDark Salmon
Salmon1#F88158Pale Turquoise4
Light Salmon3#C47451Light Salmon3
Light Salmon2#E78A61Light Salmon2
Light Salmon#F9966BLight Salmon
Sandy Brown#EE9A4DSandy Brown
Hot Pink#F660ABHot Pink
Hot Pink1#F665ABHot Pink1
Hot Pink2#E45E9DHot Pink2
Hot Pink3#C25283Hot Pink3
Hot Pink4#7D2252Hot Pink4
Light Coral#E77471Light Coral
Indian Red1#F75D59Indian Red1
Indian Red2#E55451Indian Red2
Indian Red3#C24641Indian Red3
Rosy Brown1#FBBBB9Rosy Brown1
Rosy Brown2#E8ADAARosy Brown2
Light Pink#FAAFBALight Pink
Light Pink1#F9A7B0Light Pink1
Light Pink2#E799A3Light Pink2
Rosy Brown3#C5908ERosy Brown3
Rosy Brown#B38481Rosy Brown
Light Pink3#C48189Light Pink3
Rosy Brown4#7F5A58Rosy Brown4
Light Pink4#7F4E52Light Pink4
Lavender Blush4#817679Lavendar Blush4
Light Goldenrod4#817339Light Goldenrod4
Lemon Chiffon4#827B60Lemon Chiffon4
Lemon Chiffon3#C9C299Lemon Chiffon3
Light Goldenrod3#C8B560Light Goldenrod3
Light Golden2#ECD672Light Golden2
Light Goldenrod#ECD872Light Goldenrod
Light Goldenrod1#FFE87CLight Goldenrod1
Lemon Chiffon2#ECE5B6Lemon Chiffon2
Lemon Chiffon#FFF8C6Lemon Chiffon
Light Goldenrod Yellow#FAF8CCLight Goldenrod Yellow

What is the difference between an Ethernet hub and switch?

What is the difference between an Ethernet hub and switch?

Although hubs and switches both glue the PCs in a network together, a switch is more expensive and a network built with switches is generally considered faster than one built with hubs. Why?

When a hub receives a packet (chunk) of data (a frame in Ethernet lingo) at one of its ports from a PC on the network, it transmits (repeats) the packet to all of its ports and, thus, to all of the other PCs on the network. If two or more PCs on the network try to send packets at the same time a collision is said to occur. When that happens all of the PCs have to go though a routine to resolve the conflict. The process is prescribed in the Ethernet Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) protocol. Each Ethernet Adapter has both a receiver and a transmitter. If the adapters didn't have to listen with their receivers for collisions they would be able to send data at the same time they are receiving it (full duplex). Because they have to operate at half duplex (data flows one way at a time) and a hub retransmits data from one PC to all of the PCs, the maximum bandwidth is 100 Mhz and that bandwidth is shared by all of the PC's connected to the hub. The result is when a person using a computer on a hub downloads a large file or group of files from another computer the network becomes congested. In a 10 Mhz 10Base-T network the affect is to slow the network to nearly a crawl. The affect on a small, 100 Mbps (million bits per scond), 5-port network is not as significant.

Two computers can be connected directly together in an Ethernet with a crossover cable. A crossover cable doesn't have a collision problem. It hardwires the Ethernet transmitter on one computer to the receiver on the other. Most 100BASE-TX Ethernet Adapters can detect when listening for collisions is not required with a process known as auto-negotiation and will operate in a full duplex mode when it is permitted. The result is a crossover cable doesn't have delays caused by collisions, data can be sent in both directions simultaneously, the maximum available bandwidth is 200 Mbps, 100 Mbps each way, and there are no other PC's with which the bandwidth must be shared.

An Ethernet switch automatically divides the network into multiple segments, acts as a high-speed, selective bridge between the segments, and supports simultaneous connections of multiple pairs of computers which don't compete with other pairs of computers for network bandwidth. It accomplishes this by maintaining a table of each destination address and its port. When the switch receives a packet, it reads the destination address from the header information in the packet, establishes a temporary connection between the source and destination ports, sends the packet on its way, and then terminates the connection.

Picture a switch as making multiple temporary crossover cable connections between pairs of computers (the cables are actually straight-thru cables; the crossover function is done inside the switch). High-speed electronics in the switch automatically connect the end of one cable (source port) from a sending computer to the end of another cable (destination port) going to the receiving computer on a per packet basis. Multiple connections like this can occur simultaneously. It's as simple as that. And like a crossover cable between two PCs, PC's on an Ethernet switch do not share the transmission media, do not experience collisions or have to listen for them, can operate in a full-duplex mode, have bandwidth as high as 200 Mbps, 100 Mbps each way, and do not share this bandwidth with other PCs on the switch. In short, a switch is "more better."

source: www.duxcw.com

Serial number corel draw x4

Serial number:


Instalation code:


Activation Code:


Perbedaan Avira Free & Avira Berbayar

Artikel ini saya tulis ketika ada teman saya yang bertanya tentang perbedaan antara  Avira Free & Avira Berbayar.

Apa ada perbedaannya? Padahal fitur yang diberikan Avira untuk versi Free sudah cukup memuaskan, atau bahkan bisa dibilang sangat memuaskan..

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